He Said/She Said: Taz/WWE Return, DeMott, Shady Promoter

A Shady Promoter? Say It Ain't So! 

Jeff Katz says his personal issues delayed his crowdfunded wrestling promotion's launch and that those who supported it financially will get refunds. 

I guess "producer" is a better word for Jeff Katz, the child prodigy who worked for WCW at the ripe age of 15 years old, but it's no surprise this type of thing happened in the world of pro wrestling.

I remember talking with Katz about this Wrestling Retribution project. I was even excited to see it all play out. He seemed passionate about it too.

I have no clue what the personal issues are he referenced in his open letter to the public, but I respect him for his approach. It's easy to fade into the sunset, never to be heard or seen from again; it's very hard to face the truth and say you were wrong, and you're sorry. Even further, to offer a peace token that's better than the original thing you were offering in the first place.

I didn't put money into the WR pot, so I don't care as much as others likely do. But I can only hope they at least appreciate his effort in making things right.

What bothers me most about this situation is the fact this is yet another failed attempt from someone starting a viable wrestling alternative. More and more are going under each year and fewer and fewer are even willing to try.

TNA seems to be spinning wheels more than making actual progress, and ROH can't even get internet pay per views right.

Can someone call Ted already? His deep pockets are needed once again.