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5 WWE Tag Team Break-Ups That Worked Out Perfectly

#5.) The Rockers

Shawn Michaels had long been associated with Marty Jannetty. Even during his first brief run with WWF, he was with him and when they returned properly in 1988, they were established as “The Rockers”. They would have four years together, where they surprisingly only won the tag team title once, but even that has turned into a “Phantom” title change, so to speak.

In 1992, the two would have one of the most memorable break-ups in WWE history as Michaels superkicked Jannetty before sending him through the barbershop glass. While Michaels was the obvious benefactor of it in the long run, the two did keep their rivalry going and would have several good matches together. Ultimately, it was a set-up for what would be a legendary career for Shawn Michaels.

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