Ricky Starks 2 Dynamite Dudes
Photo Credit: AEW

2 Dynamite Dudes With Attitude: ‘Ricky Starks & Darby Allin Show Stealer’

This week on 2 Dynamite Dudes With Attitude Marcus & Dominic discuss the following happenings on AEW Dynamite:

  • How Ricky Starks vs. Darby Allin stole the show as the opener and what’s next for the two as they continue to set a bar for a top rivalry in the company.
  • Is Cody vs. Brodie Dog Collar Match happening too soon?
  • What the heck are The Young Bucks doing superkicking Schiavone?
  • Why are we getting such a sad Hangman Page?
  • The future star factor of The Butcher.
  • 30 years of Jericho and is Japanese deathmatch legend Dr. Luther the right foe for the job?
  • MJF potential influence on The Inner Circle and the possibilities for a Jericho face turn down the road.
  • “Marcus’ Meltzer Rating”
  • “AEW Monopoly” does the locomotion.

All this while the brothers let Brutus Beefcake, the Booty Man, and Ed Leslie have it.

Follow Marcus on Twitter @MarcusPDeAngelo

Follow Dominic on Twitter @DominicDeAngelo

Listen to the full episode below, ladies and gents, and hey, if you’d like to send a comment or question to be read on the air, shoot the brothers an email at 2dynamitedudes@gmail.com.

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