16 Of The Funniest Doormats You’ll See When You Decide To Start Visiting People Again

I know people suck, and everyday you get more proof why you just want to steer clear of them. Hell, even your neighbors suck. That’s why we know all about the worst neighbors anyone can have, as well as the guy who actually set fire to his own apartment in order to escape his neighbor’s sex noises. Now that’s dedication. But if you ever decide to start visiting people the old fashion way again, you may just come across one of these hilarious doormats. Hey, you may even want to visit again. Or, you can just get one of these doormats for yourself.

So for now, while you’re still contemplating if you should continue to be a part of this crummy society, just let go and enjoy these funny doormats.

Via Ranker

Now check out these mailboxes: These Are The Most Bizarre Mailboxes You’ll See