Exclusive Preview | Superman # 47

Superman is one superhero who won’t be sorry to see 2015 come to an end. The year got off to a promising start when Superman developed a new superpower called the “solar flare.” But that power had a price: it rendered Superman human for a day.

Flash forward to the present, most of Superman’s powers are gone and he has only a fraction of his former might. And now that everyone knows that Superman is Clark Kent, it’s open season on anyone that the Man of Steel cares about!

A new villain calling himself Hordr_Root has targeted Superman and his loved ones, with Jimmy Olsen’s life potentially hanging in the balance! In CraveOnline’s exclusive preview from Superman # 47, Clark learns the fate of his friend before he’s forced into battle against an evil Superman duplicate. And even if Clark Kent can defeat Hordr_Root, there may be an even greater evil lurking in the shadows…

Here’s DC’s solicitation text for Superman # 47:

What would happen if the powers of all of Superman’s foes were contained in one villain? You’ll find out when you meet the Amalgam of Composite Superman Foes—and this is one nightmare a semi-powered Man of Steel may not survive! Join series writer Gene Luen Yang and guest artist Howard Porter for an unforgettable new epic!

Superman # 47 will be released in comic stores everywhere on Wednesday, December 23.

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