CraveOnline Plays: The Order: 1886 (2/19 @ 7:30PM PST) [UPDATE]

Update: Unfortunately, tonight’s CraveOnline Plays has been canceled due to severe traffic on my way home from college. We may reschedule the stream for tomorrow night.

Original: Sony’s first AAA exclusive of 2015 is in our hands, and we’re ready to share some gameplay with you ahead of release.

Tonight at 7:30PM PST we will be live streaming high quality gameplay of The Order: 1886 on The stream will last at least an hour, and will show off not only the game’s beautiful cutscenes, but its third-person gameplay.

Related: The Order: 1886 Review – The Legend of Insufficiency

You can follow us at, and/or watch the stream below: 

Watch live video from CraveOnlineGaming on


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