2K Games Banned Someone from WWE 2K15 for Uploading Chris Benoit’s Face Textures

2K Games has banned a user from playing WWE 2K15 after he uploaded Chris Benoit’s face textures to the game’s community creations. 

Cory Bundick complained to 2K Games that had received a two-week ban for “no reason,” before 2K’s Marcus Stephenson sent him a reply on Twitter, telling him: “You were banned because you uploaded a Chris Benoit face to community creations.”

Also See: WWE 2K15 Review – The Streak is Over

After Bundick issued an incredulous response Stephenson replied, saying: “The policy has been clear on him [Chris Benoit]” and that “it’s obvious why this a violation [of the game’s terms of service].” 

Former WWE talent Chris Benoit notoriously took his own life in a murder-suicide in in 2007, after killing both his wife and child. Since then there has been much debate among fans in regards to WWE’s posthumous portrayal of the former wrestler, after the company distanced themselves from him and have since both refused to mention him or his career.

While enforcing a ban on Bundick without informing him of the reasoning why seems like a knee-jerk reaction, especially considering users have created superstars featuring Benoit’s likeness in the past, it’s understandable why they wouldn’t want footage of Chris Benoit appearing in the game to surface online, given the amount of controversy that would likely cause. With the player-created textures making their way through 2K’s servers prior to being uploaded online, it’s likely that the company has employed a filter in order to ensure that Benoit doesn’t make an appearance in its community creations.

Needless to say, if you own WWE 2K15 and was thinking about creating the former World Heavyweight champion/murderer, it’s best if you don’t.


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