Want to Customize Your Character in Driveclub? Here’s How to Do It

One thing I noticed early on in my Driveclub experience was that my character was a young African woman. Given I like to play as someone who resembles myself, I spent a few minutes trying to figure out how to change how I looked, assuming that everyone drives around as this talented young woman. It turns you you actually have a fair amount of options for what your character looks like, and these options  you choose are projected in the game world for not only you but other players to see.

Here’s how to customize your character:

1. On the main menu select ‘My Profile’.

2. Click ‘More’ on the bottom-right.

3. Select ‘Customize Your Character’.

You will now be presented with eight different head options and five body selections both for male and female. Once you like how you look, just hit circle and confirm the changes.


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