Meanwhile on TikTok: People Are Making Funny Adult Swim Ads (And We’re Loving These in Particular)

If you stay up late enough with snacks in hand and in full-on relax mode, you’ve probably got Cartoon Network on, and it’s made its transition for the night to Adult Swim. While going through episodes of Ricky and Morty, Robot Chicken, and Mike Tyson Mysteries, you’ve for sure witnessed the commercial bumpers that Adult Swim puts up during their shows. Sometimes witty, sometimes humorous, and at times motivational, these bumpers carry different messages that has always been their way of communicating to us at home. Now folks over on TikTok are making their own versions of these bumpers in some pretty creative ways to communicate similar messages to us, the TikTok scrollers, and we’ve collected some of our favorite ones.

@adultswimWe see you ##adultswim ##adultswimbump ##vano3000

♬ Running Away – VANO 3000 & BADBADNOTGOOD & Samuel T. Herring

@infortniteimillyrockcome on guys ##greenscreenvideo ##greenscreen ##vano3000 ##as ##adultswim ##anyways ##adultswimbump

♬ Running Away – VANO 3000 & BADBADNOTGOOD & Samuel T. Herring

@puffboypaynebe patient, you’ll find your place [AS] ##as ##adultswim ##adultswimbump ##vano3000 ##fyp ##golftok

♬ Running Away – VANO 3000 & BADBADNOTGOOD & Samuel T. Herring

@mallllllen[as] birthday suit time 😉 ##as ##adultswim ##fyp

♬ Running Away – VANO 3000 & BADBADNOTGOOD & Samuel T. Herring

@bloodlobsterthis is my new favorite trend so of course i had to hop on it ##adultswim

♬ Running Away – VANO 3000 & BADBADNOTGOOD & Samuel T. Herring

@okyangerI made this instead of actually studying ##adultswim ##apexams

♬ Running Away – VANO 3000 & BADBADNOTGOOD & Samuel T. Herring

@franticframesConsider this my application @adultswim I thought this was gonna take an hour or so and now it’s 5 am ##timelapse ##adultswim ##vfx ##howto ##as

♬ Running Away – VANO 3000 & BADBADNOTGOOD & Samuel T. Herring

@funboringdayHope you guys like the ending on this one. ##adultswim ##adultswimbump ##vano3000 ##fyp ##toronto

♬ Running Away – VANO 3000 & BADBADNOTGOOD & Samuel T. Herring

@kellyemmrichWhat’s in your mug? @adultswim ##adultswim ##adultswimbump

♬ Running Away – VANO 3000 & BADBADNOTGOOD & Samuel T. Herring


♬ Running Away – VANO 3000 & BADBADNOTGOOD & Samuel T. Herring


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