Britney Can’t Stand K-Fed Either

Despite her claim to Matt Lauer that her marriage to Kevin Federline was “awesome,” Britney Spears spent an awful lot of money to make sure her recent Miami vacation didn’t include her husband.

The couple recently went on vacation in Florida – but they reportedly stayed in separate rooms. Spears and K-Fed spent a whopping $250,000 for a getaway on Aqua Island, according to the upcoming issue of In Touch Weekly, which reports that except for a very public romp on the beach with their 10-month-old son, the two steered pretty clear of each other. In fact, Spears rented two houses so they didn’t have to stay together. “She did it to get away from Kevin,” a “friend” told the mag.”

While Britney was waddling around the beach with their son, K-Fed was so distraught over Britney’s decision that he jet skied in South Beach, took in Game 5 of the NBA Finals, and went to the club Mansion with eight friends and drank Cristal until 3:30am. At this point, I’m tired of trying to figure why Britney continues to stay with this jackass even though he ruined her faster than a pair of Lindsay Lohan’s panties. I pray she isn’t hoping this talentless douche will become a big time rapper. Comparing K-Fed to Eminem is like comparing Barney to Tupac.

The only day they spent together in Miami:

K-Fed at club Mansion:



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