Amazing Spider-Man 2: Our Five Questions

Oh boy, here we go again. Another big blockbuster superhero movie begging for our money. For some of us, that doesn’t sound like much of a chore. The Amazing Spider-Man may have been the least financially successful of any of the Spider-Man movies to date but it made enough money and won enough hearts to warrant a massively budgeted, multi-villain sequel on which all of Sony’s hopes appear to be placed this summer. They’ve been pumping the internet full of trailers, clips, interviews and news stories non-stop for months. Is there anything we DON’T know about The Amazing Spider-Man 2 by now? And will the answers to those questions make us more excited to see it when it hits American theaters on May 2, or less?

We hear at CraveOnline have been examining the Amazing Spider-Man 2 hype machine this whole time, deciding what we care about and what couldn’t matter less. In the process, we’ve narrowed our expectations, curiosities and nervous observations down to just five questions about The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Take a look, and find out what we think really matters.

William Bibbiani is the editor of CraveOnline’s Film Channel and co-host of The B-Movies Podcast. Follow him on Twitter at @WilliamBibbiani.