sweet the show

‘Sweet The Show’ Shows The Sour Side of Celebrity Life

After a decade of relentless Marvel movies and don’t-eat-meat documentaries, a down-to-earth TV show might be just what the binge doctor ordered. And there’s nothing more down to earth than a British icon spoiled by success and scrambling to make things right, which is what you get with Sweet The Show.

Jon Harrison Taylor, the backbone of the new show, plays a conflicted rock star who has all the respect in the world, except from those he cares for most. Struggling to do a balancing act between fam and fame, Nico sets out on a path to make the sour a little sweeter with his family, but at what price?

It’s Californication with fur coats and an accent meets The Surreal Life, except with a glimmer of hope.

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Jon Harrison Taylor is a Los Angeles-based writer, actor, and musician by way of Dallas, Texas. The son of celebrated R&B legend Johnnie Taylor, he’s an accomplished musician, which brings some form of authenticity to his role of Nico Sweet.

The show may not be groundbreaking in its broad strokes, but it does raise the familiar question still unanswered about a man’s place in the world today. And it asks the ultimate question: Can a man have it all, the bling-bling and the wedding ring? The rock ‘n roller and the role model life?

Tune into Sweet The Show to find out.