Photo Credit: Cody Rhodes

Cody Says That He Was Jealous Of His Former WWE Tag-Team Partner

Cody Says That He Was Jealous Of His Former WWE Tag-Team Partner
Photo Credit: Cody Rhodes

Cody was a guest on Edge and Christian‘s podcast, E & C’s Pod of Awesomeness. Amongst other things, Cody spoke about his time as a part of the Legacy faction with Ted DiBiase Jr. and leader Randy Orton. Cody revealed that there was a point where he was jealous of DiBiase Jr. because he was being set up to be the next Randy Orton. The former Cody Rhodes also called himself the “ugly duckling” of Legacy.

Cody added that he later learned to stop feeling like he had to compete against DiBiase Jr. and other young WWE Superstars in the midcard.

You can listen to E & C’s Pod of Awesomeness here.

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