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Photo Credit: New Japan Pro Wrestling

New Japan Road To Wrestling Dontaku (4/23) IWGP Jr. Tag Team Title Match, LIJ/Suzuki-gun, More.

FIRST MATCH: Yuya Uemura vs. Yota Tsuji

Chain wrestling to start. Uemura seems to get the better of the exchange. They lock up. Tsuji reverses a waistlock with a wristlock. Uemura counters with a deep hammerlock. Uemura uses the hold to ground and dominate Tsuji, wrenching on the shoulder and even getting a nearfall.

They lock up but Tsuji immediately takes down Uemura and works over the leg. Uemura counters with an armbar attempt, but Tsuji rolls him up for two. Uemura kicks out but keeps the hold locked in. Tsuji counters into a toehold. Tsuji transitions into a side headlock. Uemura fights back with a side headlock of his own. Tsuji tries to shoot Uemura off the ropes but Uemura grounds him. Tsuji fights out and the two trade strikes. Tsuji drops Uemura with a shoulder block and covers for two.

Tsuji locks in a heel hold. Tsuji deepens the hold. Tsuji transitions into a Single Leg Crab. Uemura fights to the ropes.

Tsuji stomps on his grounded opponent. The two exchange forearms. Uemura hits a dropkick. Uemura stomps away on Tsuji. Uemura hits a hiptoss for a nearfall.

Uemura locks in a top wristlock but Tsuji gets to the ropes. Tsuji corners Uemura and pummels him. Tsuji hits a dropkick. Tsuji chops away at Uemura’s chest. Tsuji hits a running corner elbow. Tsuji hits a body slam for two.

Tsuji locks in the Boston Crab. Uemura tries to fight to the ropes but gets dragged center ring. Uemura fights to the ropes. Tsuji lands some strikes and hits a back body drop for two.

Tsuji goes for another bodyslam but Uemura rolls him up in a small package for two. Uemura gets a nother rollup for two. Uemura locks in an armbar. Tsuji tries to fight out and time expires.


SECOND MATCH: Manabu Nakanishi, Yuji Nagata & Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs. Ren NaritaTomoyuki Oka, & Shota Umino

Oka starts against Nakanishi and immediately locks in a side headlock. The two exchange shoulder blocks until Nakanishi drops Oka. Young Lions rush in and clear the apron. They all gang up on Nakanishi and stomp away on him.

Order is restored and Oka and Nakanishi exchange chops and forearms. Nakanishi continues to have a serious strength advantage. Tenzan tags in. Shota tags in.

The two immediately exchange strikes, with Tenzan winning the exchange. Young Lions rush in again and clear the arpon. Umino slams Tenzan and all the Young Lions team up on him.

Narita tags in and chops away on Tenzan to little effect. Tenzan hits a Lariat. Nagata tags in.

Nagata stomps away on Narita. Narita gets in some chops and a shoulder block. Narita drops Nagata with a running forearm strike. Nagata judo throws Narita and locks in an armbar. The Young Lions break it up.

Nagata delivers stiff kicks to Narita’s back and then clears the apron. Narita tries to fight back but Nakanishi tags in.

Nakanishi floors Narita with a chop. Nakanishi slams Narita. Nakanishi hits a Big Splash but the pin is broken. Tenzan tags in.

Tenzan drops Narita with Mongolian Chops. Tenzan dominates Narita in the corner. Tenzan hits a corner lariat. Tenzan hits a Brainbuster for two.

Nagata and Nakanishi clear the apron. Tenzan continues to pummel Narita. Narita hits a dropkick out of nowhere. Oka tags in and clears the apron.

Oka hits a corner splash. Oka hits another corner splash. Oka slams Tenzan. Umino hits a somersault senton. Narita hits an elbow. Tenzan fights back and drops Oka with Mongolian Chops. Oka hits a lariat. Tenzan hits a Spinning Wheel Kick. Nagata tags in.

Nagata delivers vicious body kicks to Oka. Oka catches a kick and counters with a judo throw. Umino tags in and dominates Blue Justice. Umino hits a corner elbow. Umino hits a second rope dropkick. Nagata recovers and locks in the Fujiwara Armbar but it’s broken up by the Young Lions. Everyone beats up Tenzan. Umino hits a top rope missile dropkick for two. Umino locks in the Boston Crab. Oka locks Nakanishi in the Boston Crab. Narita locks Tenzan in the Boston Crab. All three men break out of the hold at the same time.

Nagata fires up and weathers a flurry of strikes from Umino. Nagata hits a body kick for two. Nagata hits an Exploder. Nagata locks in the Crossface. Umino submits.

WINNERS: Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi & Hiroyoshi Tenzan.

THIRD MATCH: Roppongi 3K (Sho, Yoh & Rocky Romero) vs. Suzuki-gun (Takashi Iizuka, Taichi & TAKA Michinoku)

Suzuki-gun attack their opponents to start. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™. Taichi tries to dominate Sho in the ring, but Yoh runs in to help him fight off Taichi and TAKA. Roppongi 3K beats up Taichi. Rocky hits Forever Clotheslines on Taichi & TAKA. Iizuka chokes Romero with a rope. Romero slides out of the ring, Iizuka follows. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Rocky beats the countout at 19, but gets stomped by Suzuki-gun. Taichi covers for two. Iizuka tags in.

Iizuka chokes Romero in the corner. Iizuka chews on Romero’s head. Iizuka chews on Romero’s wrist. Iizuka chews on Yoh’s head. Iizuka chews on Sho’s head. Iizuka knocks the referee out of the ring and chews on Romero’s foot. Taichi tags in and covers for two.

Romero and Taichi exchange chops. Romero is exhausted, much to the delight of Taichi. Romero smacks Taichi in the mouth. Taichi responds with a gut kick and a nearfall.

Taichi rips off his pants. Romero ducks the Buzzsaw Kick and hits an enziguri. Yoh tags in and hits a Dropkick on Taichi. Yoh hits a Dragon Whip on TAKA. Yoh hits a Dragon Whip on Taichi. Yoh hits a top rope Senton. Yoh goes for a suplex but Taichi feeds him to iizuka. TAKA tags in and endures tired strikes from Yoh. Yoh hits a spinning forearm strike.  Sho tags in. Roppongi 3K beat up Taichi. Sho hits a German Suplex but the pin is broken. Sho hits a Spear on iizuka. Sho hits a Backbreaker on TAKA, followed by a dropkick from Yoh. They attempt 3K but Taichi breaks it up. Sho goes for a Package Piledriver but Iizuka hits him with an Iron Glove for the disqualification.

WINNERS: Roppongi 3K.