daniel bryan
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Bryan Announces ‘Smackdown Top 10’; Superstars Will Vote On Who Should Get Opportunities, More

Daniel Bryan has just released the above video on-line announcing the first ever “Smackdown Top 10” list.

You can find Daniel’s comments describing what that is transcribed below. (If you use WrestleZone’s transcription elsewhere please credit us)

Smackdown Live Preview & Discussion Thread: Road To WM Begins, Who Will Challenge Roode Next?, More

DB: I’m proud to announce, for the first time ever, the official Smackdown Top 10 list. This week the Superstars of Smackdown Live will vote on who they think is most deserving of future opportunities.

Criteria includes:

  • Most talented
  • Locker room leadership
  • Who has the most athletic skill on the roster

Now, there are a couple of ground rules for this process. The first ground rule is simple, neither Shane McMahon or myself will have a vote. This isn’t about us. This is about the Smackdown locker room having their voices heard.

The other rule is probably obvious, Superstars can’t vote for themselves.

This is going to be so cool! I’ve always wanted to see a Top 10 list from our talent. It’s going to be a huge asset to Shane McMahon and I when we are determining matches and constructing the show. I cannot wait to get started! Yes! Yes! Yes!