WWE NXT Results (9/27) Regal Announces The Fate Of The Women’s Title, Adam Cole’s In Ring Debut, And More!

WWE NXT Results – 09/27/17WWE NXT Results

September 27th, 2017

Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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William Regal announces that a new NXT Women’s champion will be crowned at NXT Takeover: Houston. Four Superstars will compete for the right to be the champion. The winner of the Mae Young Classic Kairi Sane has won the first spot in the match. There will be qualifying matches over the next few weeks to determine the other three competitors.

SAnity storms the ring Eric Young grabs a mic says Cole and his group came here and wanted to make a mark. They are looking at the group that wrote the book on making a mark. Tonight, Young is going to take Adam Cole to the edge of sanity.

Backstage, Oney Lorcan says he doesn’t like Lars Sullivan or what he did to No Way Jose. Let’s see what Lars can do to Lorcan.

Lars Sullivan vs Oney Lorcan

Lorcan grabs a side headlock. Sullivan pushes Lorcan into the ropes. Sullivan levels Lorcan with a shoulder block. Lars deadlifts Lorcan but Lorcan escapes after a few back elbows. Lorcan nails Sullivan with a back elbow. Sullivan tosses Lorcan over the top rope. Lorcan elbows Sullivan and knocks him off the apron. Lorcan dives over the top rope to the outside with a sick topé but Sullivan catches him in midair. Sullivan drops Lorcan chest first on the apron. Sullivan rolls Lorcan back into the ring. Sullivan charges at Lorcan. Lorcan blast Sullivan with a roaring European uppercut. Sullivan is unphased. Lorcan unloads on Sullivan with slap after slap. Lorcan hits the ropes and nails Sullivan with multiple Roaring European uppercuts. Lorcan hits the ropes and Sullivan almost decapitates Lorcan with a lariat. Side spine buster by Sullivan for the win.

Winner- Lars Sullivan

After the match, Sullivan picks up Lorcan but Danny Burch runs to ringside and pulls Lorcan out of the ring.