Photo Credit: Gow Media

Eric Bischoff Reacts To Brock Lesnar Being Advertised For SummerSlam Next Year; If It Has UFC Implications

The latest episode of former WCW President Eric Bischoff’s podcast Bischoff on Wrestling was released this past Wednesday!

You can find a portion of Eric’s comments from the latest episode transcribed below.

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On WWE announcing Brock Lesnar for next year’s SummerSlam is WWE sending a signal that he won’t be going to UFC:

EB: I tend to think that they probably don’t send signals. I never saw anything that suggested to me that there is any kind of subliminal means of communicating in WWE. They are pretty straight forward about just about everything that they decide to promote or be straight forward about. I don’t think it’s a signal. They’re advertising him. I don’t know, I don’t think there is any covert communication going on. They don’t make many mistakes when it comes to advertising talent. Not that they haven’t occasionally over the last few decades but it’s very rare that they do. Maybe they just know something no one else knows. I would bet on that.

Eric has officially launched his IRW Network premium channel for only $3.99/month!

Over the next few weeks more premium channels will be rolled out on IRW. If you’d like subscribe to Eric’s IRW channel and get access to the BoW Overrun as well as more exclusive Bischoff content click HERE.

This week’s BoW Overrun features Eric and I taking a look at the dedication, prologue and first chapter of his book Controversy Creates Cash. Other recent premium content available as part of Eric’s channel includes his Hog Wild 1996 retrospective, an extensive #BischoffOnWrestling mail bag and more…