(Photo credit: PHILIPPE HUGUEN/AFP/Getty Images)

Backstage News on The Hardys Almost Acquiring the ‘Broken’ Gimmick Rights, Who in GFW Would Not Sign Off on the Deal?

The hardys
(Photo by Gilbert Carrasquillo/Getty Images)

As noted, a deal had been reached last week which would have seen The Hardys acquire the rights to the “Broken Universe” gimmick, however the deal fell through and The Hardys and GFW once again appear to be at an impasse.

Reby Hardy also noted on Twitter that the deal included an anti-disparagement clause which would mandate that Reby pay Anthem/GFW $5,000 anytime she made disparaging remarks about the company on social media.

Dave Meltzer noted on the latest edition of Wrestling Observer Radio that despite the deal being in place, Anthem President Ed Nordholm would not sign off on the contract.

“They made a deal last week”, Meltzer revealed. “But when that happened I was pretty much told that they’ve come close before and it’s fallen apart and you know the fact is even though it was agreed upon, Ed Nordholm had not signed off on it. And that happened, you know, it’s happened before. So it’s a very tenuous tense situation.

“They’ll kind of mediate the thing, they’ll come to an agreement and then Impact won’t sign off on it. It seems to happen. You know, I remember when I was told about the deal pretty much, you know, being close to done, there was the caveat of, ‘well they may back out again ’cause they always seem to do that.'”