WWE 205 Live Results (5/30): Austin Aries & Neville’s Final Faceoff Before Extreme Rules, Noam Darr vs Rich Swann, More

wwe 205 live results

WWE 205 Live Results
May 30, 2017
Report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

Noam Darr and Alicia Fox make their way to the ring to boos from the crowd. Darr tells them to take a good at them, because they’re the real deal, unlike the “friends with no benefits” Sasha Banks and Rich Swann. Fox says she can’t wait to get revenge on Swann for making them look like fools, when they face off in a mixed tag team match at Extreme Rules.

Hearing enough, Sasha Banks and Rich Swann make their way out and talk about all the things they have in common that make them better than the “hot mess” in the ring. Fox says at least she didn’t get her weave done in Atlanta (like four people booed) and Sasha said at least her track wasn’t showing… Tom Phillips echoes every white dude in America by saying he doesn’t know what a track is, or what is happening right now, but the women seem very upset about it and try to go after each other.

Noam Darr vs. Rich Swann

Swann hits a nice dropkick to start things off, but Darr hits him from behind with a cheap shot and slows things down right away. After a few minutes he transitions a side headlock into a back suplex for a count of two, then backs Swann into the corner and goes to work on his injured arm. Darr continued to fire away with right hands, elbows, and focussing on the injury. Swann comes back briefly with a few shots, but gets caught with a running elbow. He finally created some space with a big back suplex, then caught Darr with a headscissors takedown off the top rope. Swann hit a big knee, then a 360 flip into a kick for a count of two. He rolled up Noam for two and got caught in an ankle lock, but rolled through to send him crashing through the ropes. Swann looked to fly but he got tripped up by Alicia Fox while the referee was distracted. The two women went at it at ringside, brawling all around until Darr hit a running enzuigiri on Swann for the win. Winner: Noam Darr


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