(Photo by Mike Marsland/Mike Marsland/WireImage)

Nearly Half a Ton Man Seeking Career in WWE, Former Knockout Games with Xavier Woods (Video), Photos From NXT Tampa Live Event

Nearly Half a Ton Man Seeking Career in WWE

According to Maxim, 25 year-old Arbab Khizer Hayat, a 960-pound Pakistani weightlifter, is seeking a career in WWE. Hayat is known as the Pakistani Hulk, and he consumes 10,000 calories a day with a diet including 36 eggs, seven pounds of meat and five liters of milk, as seen in the video below. On a possible career in WWE Hayat had the following to say:

“I want to represent Pakistan at WWE. God willing I’ll appear in 2017.”

Former Knockout Games with Xavier Woods

In the following new “UpUpDownDown” video, former TNA Knockout Thea Trinidad games with Xavier Woods:

Photos From NXT Tampa Live Event

Thanks to WZ reader Tom Gibson for sending in the following photo gallery of images from last night’s WWE Live event in Tampa, FL. For complete event results, click here.