Jim Ross Comments On Charlotte Closing RAW, Fan Criticism Of Feud w/ Sasha, Cody Rhodes’ Speech After Winning GFW NEX-GEN Title (Video)

Photo Credit: Jackson Laizure/Getty Images
Photo Credit: Jackson Laizure/Getty Images

Jim Ross

WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross recently updated his blog on his JR’s Bar-B-Q website; you can read a few excerpts below:

Jim Ross comments on Sasha / Charlotte closing RAW, criticisms over the length of their feud: 

Bold move to put a promo segment to close the show especially when the promo segment is going to be done by a talent with little, long promo, show ending experience. This was a classic, VKM ‘calculated risk’ that paid off nicely.

The Charlotte-Sasha Banks rivalry has been well scripted and produced and on Monday night all involved executed their roles well.

I find it shocking that some people, even many within the business, are complaining about how many times the two women have wrestled each other which I simply don’t understand. I feel that both women have the skill set to carry out a long arcing storyline but in today’s microwave climate patience is not a virtue with today’s fan base for the most part.

The 30 minute Ironman, (why not Ironwomen BTW?) match will be a challenge to Sasha and Charlotte as it will require a logical pace, timely selling, a on going, under lying thread to their match I.E. someone has a dinged body part and it is exploited. I applaud WWE and the two ladies for this booking and wish them the best of luck in telling a great story while continuing to advance their gender’s place within the “man’s world” of pro wrestling.

Cody Rhodes

The following video features Cody Rhodes’ addressing the crowd at WrestleCade: Showcase of Champions in Winston-Salem after he defeated Sonjay Dutt for the Global Force Wrestling NEX-GEN Championship last weekend.

Cody talks about being an independent contractor and defending the title around the world, and finding out what kind of champion he will be:

Related: Cody Rhodes Talks His Experience So Far on the Indy Scene Since Leaving WWE, the Difference Between an Indy and WWE Ring, More