Gail Kim
(Photo by Gilbert Carrasquillo/Getty Images)

Gail Kim Comments on TNA Sale Reports, Talks How She Stays Sharp During TNA TV Tapings, Should TNA Rename the Knockouts Division?

TNA Knockout and soon-to-be Hall of Famer Gail Kim recently spoke with USA Today’s For The Win to discuss this Sunday’s TNA Bound for Glory PPV and below are some interview highlights:

TNA sale reports:

“I think change is always scary but also always good. We were at a point where the talent never really knew everything that was going on and you hear rumors, but as of the last (TV) tapings, we had a clearer direction … The roster — whoever was there and no matter how many changes — has always been a family. Whether morale was high or low, you had to put in the work and nobody gave less than 100%. That’s never changed from the first day to now.”

How to stay sharp between TNA Impact tapings:

“It’s actually really hard, but it depends on where you are in your career. I’ve been wrestling for 15 years so my body hurts. I do take the opportunity to rest in between. I think it’s harder to do the schedule we do. Your body has this instinct to start healing and then you go back to work and it hurts even more. It’s almost better to keep your body messed-up on a consistent basis. I do my best in between tapings to get massages and chiro and stretches and whatever it takes. At this point, I appreciate the rest. I don’t think I could do the four or five days a week in the WWE. I feel bad for them.”

If TNA should rename the Knockouts division:

“I feel like it’s great and I don’t think we need to change it. I could see where people don’t like diva because the idea that it comes with a certain attitude so I can understand why the WWE did that. I do hope for the WWE’s sake, that means the genders will be equal. But for us, I feel like the girls should still have a name and be special. I feel like it’s established and people know us as the Knockouts.”