Paige on Conan: “I’ve Had a Bruised Boob or Two” (Video), RVD Cuts a Promo on John Morrison, Is WWE Relying Too Much on Legends?

Is WWE Relying Too Much on Legends?

Grantland.compaige has published a new article questioning whether or not WWE is relying too much on the TV presence of legends, and below is an excerpt:

If I were really hankering for my Legends fix, I could also watch all of the aforementioned fellows in their heyday … on the WWE Network. The network is a great tool for archival purposes and a promising platform for evolving the business. It’s a gift for wrestling fans. But nostalgia is a fleeting emotion, not a story line. It can be a marketing tool, but it’s not a substitute for substance. When reliving the past takes precedence over developing the present, that’s a problem.

Paige on Conan

As noted, WWE Diva Paige appeared on “Conan” last night, and below is footage of Paige talking “joking around” with her sexuality in the ring with Natalya, and admits she’s had “a bruised boob or two,” and she currently has a scratch on one of them:

RVD Cuts a Promo on John Morrison

Below is footage of Rob Van Dam cutting a promo on John Morrison, who he will be facing in a singles match for Pro Wrestling Syndicate this weekend: