Exclusive: Drew Galloway Talks Bound For Glory, EC3’s Injunction Against TNA, Vince McMahon-3MB, more

drew mcintyreBelow is an exclusive interview TNA Superstar Drew Galloway granted to WrestleZone. It features Drew talking with WrestleZone Daily host Nick Hausman.

WrestleZone will be providing live coverage all night long for tonight’s episode of TNA Impact.

You can listen to Drew’s interview in the embedded player below. Some of his quotes have been transcribed below the player:

On Ethan Carter’s injunction against TNA:

DG: I’m going to file an injunction against his foot for kicking me in the nuts. 

On whether he sees himself in the main event picture with TNA after taking the pin from Matt Hardy at Bound For Glory:

DG: I don’t see myself anywhere else. Obviously, going forward I think Matt Hardy and Ethan Carter are going to have some beef but I’m going to have some beef also. You know Jeff interfered in the match, I got kicked in the nuts… so, you know, I’ve got a bit of beef myself. I’ve promised that I was going to go all out saying I’d go as far as to kill myself and trust me, the past two days, I feel like it. I put my body through more than I usually would but it was the main event and the title was on the line. All three of us went for it. So I’ve got plenty of gripes, Hardy’s got plenty of gripes… it’ll be interesting television going forward. That’s all I’ve got to say about that.

On what he sees as differences between the ways TNA & WWE operate:

DG: Obviously right now with TNA since I came in there’s been no house shows and the like. And the TV tapings are filmed consecutively like four or five days together. Then there are no house shows around it so that’s obviously a big difference. The WWE is all year round and it’s all planned out in advance. It’s the machine that has been the machine forever. The WWE is the biggest global phenomenon in the world. It’s always going to be. And thankfully everyone knows now not to trying to compete with them. Because you’re never going to be them so you’ve got to try and be different. That’s the cool thing right now. Everyone’s being so different. With TNA and Ring of Honor and Lucha Underground and especially in NXT. NXT is part of the WWE but everyone is so different. 

On his personal goals:

DG: My goal is simply to be the best in the world. Simple. Simply to be the best. That’s a hard goal with guys like AJ running around but that’s the goal.