WWE Acknowledges (and Rebrands) The IWC?, WWE Five Things Presents Matches That Actually Happened (VIDEO)

wwe rawWWE Acknowledges The IWC

WWE has mentioned the group of internet fans, collectively known as the ‘IWC’, in their RAW review, albeit under a different name. 

WWE rebranded the group as the “Internet Sports-Entertainment Community” in their recap, featured on the WWE.com and USA Network website. The term appeared in the following passage: 

“…The two workhorses did not disappoint, clashing in a dream match the likes of which even the most fervent corners of the Internet Sports-Entertainment Community didn’t think would happen for another few months. Neville’s breathtaking 450 Splash off the barricade seemingly handed him the win on a platter, though experience ultimately won out when a reeling Ziggler evaded the Red Arrow and hit the Zig Zag for the victory. Sheamus immediately spoiled the party, pulverizing Neville with one Brogue Kick and, after a vicious scrap with The Showoff outside the ring, taking Ziggler down with another…”

WWE Five Things 

The following clip features the latest episode of WWE Five Things, featuring five matches that actually happened in WWE: