Kurt Angle on Chael Sonnen Podcast; Sonnen Talks WrestleMania, Blasts Seth Rollins, Praises Bray Wyatt & More

wrestlemaniaTNA World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle is the most recent guest on “You’re Welcome!” with former UFC fighter Chael Sonnen. The two mostly talk about their time in amateur wrestling and the current landscape of the amateur scene. 

Sonnen also ran down WrestleMania 31 with John Piermarini. Overall he called it “a very good show” and was surprised by The Undertaker winning clean over Bray Wyatt, who he called “the single best talent the company has right now”. 

One guy that Chael was not happy with is Seth Rollins, who cashed in Money in the Bank to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in the main event at WrestleMania. 

“How do you put the strap on a guy that lost an hour earlier? How do you say he’s the greatest wrestler in the world when I just saw him get beat?”

“I was never into Seth [Rollins] to start with. First off you have a girl’s hairdo – trim your hair if you’re a guy. He tried his damnedest to work an angle with Jon Stewart. That’s a tough sell for me. When a guy is so desperate that he’s willing to bring in a comedian to get a push, it’s weird. When a dude sees himself in that light, worthy of having to take on somebody like that at the biggest show of the year – if you don’t see yourself in a higher worth, how can I?”