2/8 Wrestlezone Recap: WrestleMania Rumors, Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns, Results of Our “Best of January” Poll, Chael Sonnen to Wrestling & More


— Your Sunday Paper for Pro Wrestling News —

February 8, 2015

WrestleMania Rumor Round-Up

mania31_splashControversial MMA star Chael Sonnen claims he will be meeting with WWE during WrestleMania weekend. Numerous online reports have confirmed the light heavyweight’s claim, while WWE continues to deny it. He is expected to talk with producer Kevin Dunn. News came just days after a report that Jon Jones wanted to appear at a previous WrestleMania PPV, but his camp couldn’t work out a deal with the company. Jones is obviously the bigger star in MMA, but Sonnen is much more marketable from a wrestling perspective, as he can talk trash with the best of them, and likely wouldn’t be afraid to get in the ring and take some bumps. 

WWE may have scrapped plans for Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler at WrestleMania, a week after websites started claiming there were any plans for them at all. Then again, they may not have scraped plans. Maybe there weren’t any plans to begin with. Maybe Ziggler teaming with Ryback on Smackdown doesn’t mean anything at all. 

Here’s a collection of WrestleMania 31 rumors, and 11 possible matches that could take place given WWE booking of the past few weeks.