Confusion Regarding Appearances For Alberto Del Rio In Puerto Rico, Former WCW Cruiserweight

alberto del rioAlberto Del Rio In Puerto Rico

Source: The Wrestling Observer

Alberto Del Rio was at one time double booked for appearances in Tijuana, Mexico and Puerto Rico on the weekend of October 24th, but it has now been cleared up.

Alberto will not be appearing at WWC’s anniversary show in Puerto Rico, but the company announced that his former ring announcer Ricardo Rodriguez will replace him. Ricardo will be at the October 11th show to explain why Alberto won’t be facing his originally scheduled opponent, Ray Gonzalez. In addition, the company was trying to get Alberto to face former WWE star Carlito that same weekend, but it is no longer possible. 

Former WCW Cruiserweight Health Update

Former WCW cruiserweight star (and “Chairman of the Board”) La Parka was recently hospitalized and underwent surgery in Mexico. There’s no confirmation what he actually had surgery for, but it rumored that he had problems due to a hernia. 

La Parka was reported to be in so much pain at a recent wrestling event that he couldn’t even walk under his own power.