WWE Polls Fans on Which Superstar(s) Can Defeat Brock Lesnar, Dr. Shelby Takes Ice Bucket Challenge; Challenges Kane & Daniel Bryan

WWE Asks: Who Can Beat Brock Lesnar?

Brock LesnarWWE sent out a survey to some members of their mailing list this afternoon, asking fans which WWE Superstar could defeat Brock Lesnar for the World Heavyweight Championship. The options were: 

Of course, there was also an option that “nobody” can defeat Brock Lesnar. 

KILLAM: Just quick note – he’s already beaten the first three; Cena at SummerSlam, and Henry/Orton during his first and second WWE Championship reign. The other five began their WWE careers while Lesnar was gone, so obviously they’d be “fresh” match-ups. Interesting that Daniel Bryan wasn’t even on the list…

Dr. Shelby Takes Ice Bucket Challenge

WWE’s Doctor Shelby has taken the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and then challenged Kane and Daniel Bryan to do the same.