Notes from WWE’s Comic Con Panel: Daniel Bryan Still Doesn’t Know How PPV Bonuses Work, Heyman Praises Heenan/Blassie, Hogan Cuts a Promo & More


COmic ConWWE and Mattel hosted a panel at Comic Con in San Diego earlier today that featured Paul Heyman, Daniel Bryan, Hulk Hogan and eventually, Sting. The panel was hosted by Michael Cole, after a brief run down of the new Mattel action figures by their own employees. 

There was a Q&A session with Bryan, Heyman and Hogan – Sting told Cole that he wanted to wrestle, but that was about the extent of their conversation with him – that was largely uneventful in terms of breaking news. One interesting note is that a fan asked Daniel Bryan how PPV bonuses were being given out with the WWE Network now in full swing, and Bryan admitted that nobody really knew. Cole then quickly moved on to the next question. 

Also during the fan interaction session, Heyman cut a promo guaranteeing a Brock Lesnar victory over John Cena at SummerSlam, Heyman praised the work of former managers like Freddie Blassie and Bobby Heenan, Hulk Hogan cut a promo on Brock Lesnar for a fake match at WrestleMania 31, and Daniel Bryan made sure to put over KENTA being signed by WWE and the many matches he’s had with him.