WWE Milestone on Facebook Today, Ezekiel Jackson Talks About WWE Release, Favorite Wrestler, Triple H

WWE Milestone on Facebook

ezekiel jackson​WWE reached a new milestone today on the WWE Facebook. They reached 20 million fans on their facebook.

Ezekiel Jackson Interview

Former WWE Superstar and Intercontinental Champion Ezekiel Jackson talked with Wrestling 101 earlier. Below are highlights of his interview:

On his favorite wrestler growing up:

"Ultimate Warrior was always one of my favourites growing up, I was a Hulk Hogan fan because he was a good guy but the intensity that Warrior brought was on a different level. I was also a big fan of all the muscular guys that I thought I would never be, likes of, Don Marco, The Barbarian, and Haku but I ended up being one of them. Those are the guys that I really emulated and just watched and enjoyed."

On working with Triple H:

"The first time we had a stare down it was post match with me and Triple H, who was WWE Champion at the time. I was like, here I am a month and a half into my time on the main roster and I’m starring down with Triple H, and I was like, ‘holy mother of god’, it was my dream becoming a reality. I was living my dream and getting to share the ring and be on TV with people that I had been watching for years, wanting to emulate and meet them, and there I was working with them!"

On his WWE release:

"I had surgery in January for a hernia that I had developed over the past year being home and lifting heavy. I received a letter saying that my contract was going to be ending on April 6th and that was it, till this day I still haven’t had a phone call from anybody from WWE, so it was bitter sweet."

"I got to attend and enjoy WrestleMania 30 with Hulk Hogan, The Rock and Stone Cold starting the show, I was a little disappointed with the streak ending. At the same time that was my last day with the company, I enjoyed my time there and I wish I could have another chance but I believe things happen for a reason and I’m ready for whatever is in store for me."