Unedited Footage of CM Punk Chants on Raw (Video), SD! Post-Shows Note, Seth Meyers Gets a Pro Wrestling Heel (Video)

SD! Post-Show Status

There will once again be no Smackdown post-show tonight, and there was only one post-show in April and one in May, so the status of the shows on a regular basis is very unclear at this time.

Seth Meyers Gets a Wrestling Heel

During last night's edition of Late Night with Seth Meyers, Meyers got his very own pro wrestling heel named "Stinkmouth Pigman." You can watch footage of the bit below:

Unedited Footage of CM Punk Chants

As we noted earlier this week, WWE heavily edited out CM Punk chants which took place during Stephanie McMahon's promo on Raw this week. I attended the show live and can verify that the chants at one point drowned out what Stephanie was saying. The chants were later edited out (mostly) when the show aired in The U.S., but video footage from the arena has surfaced online and you can watch it below: