WWE RAW Results (5/12) – Bryan Taking Time Off, Shield Goes After Evolution, Reigns vs Batista

Batista (w/ Evolution) vs Roman Reigns (w/ The Shield)

Batista hits Reigns a few times and rams him with his shoulder, then Reigns throws him in the corner and hits Batista with his shoulder. He whips Batista across the ring, then Batista pulls him outside and Reigns throws him into the steps before rolling him in. Batista sidesteps a corner splash, then he whips Reigns and clotheslines him before sending him shoulder first into the ringpost. Batista picks him up but Reigns elbows him in the corner, then he headbutts Batista and follows with a clothesline out of the corner. Triple H and Orton jump on the apron but Reigns just punches Batista, then he kicks him in the corner and follows with a clothesline. Reigns throws him on the apron and goes for a apron kick, but HHH gets in his face so Rollins and Ambrose take him and Orton down with suicide dives.

Reigns goes for a spear on Batista, but HHH pulls him outside and tries to Pedigree him. Rollins tackles him as the ref calls for the bell, and they continue to fight back in the ring, with The Shield getting the upper hand. Stephanie McMahon sends some reinforcements out to help, and Rybaxel, 3MB and Jack Swagger, among others, run out to attack. They hold Reigns up so HHH can hit him with a chair, but Reigns breaks free and spears HHH, then Rollins and Ambrose help clear the ring with some chair shots. Evolution backtracks as The Shield hits Curtis Axel, Fandango and Heath Slater with their own respective finishing moves, then Reigns spears Ryback and they hit a triple bomb and taunt Evolution.

Result – No Contest