Is Goldberg Interested in a WrestleMania 31 Match?, Daniel Bryan Double Booked, Kofi Loses His 100th TV Match

Source: The Wrestling Observer

Bill Goldberg​Is Goldberg Interested in WrestleMania 31?

It's being said that Bill Goldberg is definitely interested in returning to WWE for a match at WrestleMania 31 if the right deal can be made. Goldberg has alluded to possibly making a return to WWE in the past, and he has been keeping himself in shape should that ever come to be.

Daniel Bryan Double Booked

Daniel Bryan is booked for a July 12th WWE live event in Osaka, Japan and a live event on the same night at Madison Square Garden.

Kofi Loses 100th TV Match

Thanks to John Finnegan for sending in the following:

I thought you and your readers might find this kind of interesting: according to, [which started keeping track of wrestlers’ records and ranking them as of  Nov. 2006], when Kofi Kingston lost to Bad News Barrett on the 4/29/14 episode of Main Event it was his 100th televised singles loss!

Kofi is just the 3rd wrestler to loss 100 matches [behind only Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger] and just the 2nd to register triple digit wins AND losses [Dolph being the first]. Others closing in on the century mark for losses as of 4/29/14 are: The Miz [94] and Zack Ryder [90].

[NOTE: these records count t.v. and ppv singles matches since Nov. 2006 ONLY].