TNA Sacrifice PPV Results: 2 New Champions Crowned & Dixie Carter in Disguise – Who Left the PPV as TNA World Heavyweight Champion?

tna sacrifice ppv results

TNA Sacrifice PPV Results – The Wolves def. The Bromans || Mr. Anderson def. Samuel Shaw || Hardy & Angle def. EC3 & Rockstar Spud || Sanada def. Tigre Uno || Gunner def. James Storm || Angelina Love def. Madison Rayne || Bobby Roode def. Bully Ray || Eric Young def. Magnus #wrestlezone  

TNA Sacrifice PPV Results

April 27th 2014

Report by Mike Killam for

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TNA Tag Team Championship Match

The BroMans (c) vs. The Wolves

This is a no disqualification match, as well as being a 3-on-2 handicap match. Robbie E kicks off the match (literally) by trying to kick Davey Richards over and over again. Davey no-sells the kicks, and everyone laughs at his attempt. Zema hits Eddie from behind with their laptop, and now the champs and their DJ are in control. The heels toss Edwards into their corner and triple team dropkick him. 

The heels continue to work over Eddie, triple teaming him until Davey goes after him. Edwards tries to make a tag, but of course Richards isn't there, as he's now getting beaten down by the BroMans outside the ring. Eddie hits a hurricanrana on both the BroMans, then kicks Zema in the head. Hot tag made to Davey Richards, who springboard kicks Jessie Godderz. 

Ion tries to use the laptop again, but accidentally takes out Robbie E in the process. The Wolves hit Robbie with a powerbomb/backbreaker combo, then head to the top rope for the double stop combo on Jessie for the 1-2-3. 

Winners: The Wolves (New Champions!)