Former WWE Official Posts New Blog Remembering Warrior, More Pittsburgh Pirates/Daniel Bryan Connection

remembering warriorFormer WWE Official Remembering Warrior

Former WWE Official Wes Adams, has published a new column at remembering Warrior. Adams goes in-depth and talks about The Ultimate Warrior and his career. Here is an excerpt from his article:

"I didn’t always read the Ultimate Warrior’s website or his writings, so I wasn’t aware if he presented his side of the issue or not. But fact remains, whether the WWE wanted him to or not, he was an important part of one of the biggest boom periods in wrestling history. So many years went by with lawsuits, wars of words, and other forms of litigation between the Warrior and the WWE that we always thought that he was going to receive the Randy Savage treatment when it came to the Hall of Fame induction. But the unthinkable happened. The bridge that was burned to the ground and the ashes thrown into the river and washed away was magically rebuilt sometime last year. A new Warrior DVD has been released, and he took his rightful place in the Hall of Fame, and got one more chance to walk on the big stage of WrestleMania, and one last chance to be seen by millions on RAW."

You can read the full editorial by clicking THIS LINK.

Pittsburgh Pirates Love Daniel Bryan

Thanks to WZ reader Joseph G. for sending in the following report:

"Hey I was at the Pittsburgh Pirates game tonight against the Milwaukee Brewers, and during the 7th inning when the Bucs scored three runs to put them ahead for good (they ended up winning 11-2, with nine of those runs coming in the 7th and 8th innings), they played Flight of the Valkyries as a rallying video to get the crowd amped up. I do apologize, but I only caught the tail end of the video. There were also quite a few "YES!" chants at the game, of which I got involved in a few of them myself.

Apparently, the YES! chants, combined with the Pirates doing it in the visitors dugout in Cincinnati recently isn't a coincidence. According to this tweet from the Pirates cable affiliate Root Sports Pittsburgh, first baseman Gaby Sanchez is a big wrestling fan. It appears that the YES! chants might be replacing the two-year old "Zoltan" hand signal at Pirates games, maybe leading to Daniel Bryan throwing out the ceremonial first pitch at an upcoming Pirates game.

Speaking of WWE and first pitches, WWE Hall of Famer Mike Tyson threw out the ceremonial first pitch tonight for the Bucs. For someone pushing 50, he threw a fastball right into the strike zone. Pretty impressive."

Here is the tweet that Joseph was referring to, stating that Pirates first baseman Gaby Sanchez is a big wrestling fan: