WWE Network Considering Steve Blackman Show, ‘Follow The Buzzards’ Rap

Steve Blackman on WWE Network

It's been reported recently that WWE is looking for new content for their new Network. Specifically, they are considering new reality series ideas. One idea is a reality show on Steve Blackman called "Blackman's Bounties". The series features former WWE star Steve Blackman and highlights his work as a bounty hunter. The pitch reel for the series can be seen below.

DISCLAIMER: The video has strong language.

Follow The Buzzards Rap

I was actually sent a link to this original rap on Twitter, and thought some fans might find it interesting. Rapper and reality star 'Consequence' wrote a rap in tune of Bray Wyatt's theme music. I actually thought it rather entertaining, so wanted to share it with you. You can check him out on Twitter @ItsTheCons if interested.