WWE Raw Results (3/3): Bryan vs Batista, Did CM Punk Return?, New WWE Tag Team Champions

The New Age Outlaws vs. The Uso's for the WWE Tag Team Championships

The match starts with Road Dogg hitting a few clotheslines onto Jimmy Uso. Jimmy is sent to the corner and hits a kick to the stomach. Road Dogg sends Jimmy to the outside as we head to commerical break. Jimmy hit a spinning heel kick and Jey gets in the action. Jey hits Road Dogg in the face to the outside, a Samoan Drop and then does the Rikishi Stinkface. Jimmy gets a two count onto Billy. Jimmy hits a kick to Road Dogg's face. Reverse pump handle slam is hit onto Jimmy. Gunn sets up for a Fameasser but Jimmy tags his brother in and splashes onto Road Dogg. Jey gets the tag and hits a super kick and splash from the rope for the win. The Uso's win the WWE Tag Team Championships.

Winner: The Uso's

WWE shows a preview of "Need For Speed" with Raw host Aaron Paul. The Divas are backstage talking about Aaron Paul and Aksana says she would like to ride with Aaron because she likes fast cars.

Big E vs. Cesaro

Cesaro catches Big E mid air and hits a backbreaker. He hits a few uppercuts and Big E hits a power slam. Cesaro is thrown to the outside, but comes back inside and gets Big E in the giant swing. Jack Swagger hits a Swagger Bomb and Cesaro is disqualified. Cesaro gets in the face of Swagger and they begin to argue. Swagger walks out of the ring. Cesaro hits a Big Ending, while Swagger looks on from the outside.

Winner: Big E via disqualification