WWE RAW Results (2/24) – Hulk Returns, Bryan vs Kane, Bray vs Reigns, Brock Challenges The Streak

Sheamus tackles him in the corner and hits a kneelift, then he clubs him on the apron and goes for a Cloverleaf. Christian kicks him away and heads up top, but Sheamus sweeps his legs and puts him in the Cloverleaf, only to have Christian grab the ropes to break it. Christian stomps him a few times and calls for a Killswitch, but Sheamus counters with a White Noise attempt, only to have Christian counter with a two count rollup. Sheamus slams him down for another near fall, then he calls for a Brogue Kick but Christian ducks and climbs up top. He goes to springboard back, but Sheamus counters with a mid air Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner – Sheamus

The Authority is shown talking to reporters about the launch of the WWE Network, then Daniel Bryan storms over and challenges HHH to a match. Bryan demands a match at Wrestlemania, but HHH says he'll try to find a spot for Bryan somewhere, and Stephanie tells him to focus on his match with Kane tonight.

Ambrose tells Rollins and Reigns that he's been explaining himself for the whole day, and he's sick of telling them where he was. He says he's done talking, and walks away, and Rollins says he isn't too sure he trusts him. The Wyatts walk over and Bray says he didn't mean to interrupt, but Reigns says he did, and it's a problem. Reigns challenges him to a match, no Family or Shield at ringside, and Bray laughs and says he accepts.

Daniel Bryan vs Kane

Kane throws Bryan shoulder first into the turnbuckles, then he charges at him but Bryan drop toe holds him into the corner and kicks him a few times. Bryan chopblocks his knees a few times and puts him in a half crab, then Kane fights out and applies a waistlock before throwing him outside. Bryan tries to kick him but Kane throws him into the steps, then we get back from a break to see Kane clothesline Bryan in the corner. Bryan leapfrogs Kane and knocks him down with a dropkick, but Kane comes back with a side slam and heads up top. Bryan runs after him and elbows him a few times, then he connects with a top rope hurricanrana and two consecutive running corner dropkicks. (Cont'd…)