Complete TNA Joker’s Wild 2 One Night Only PPV Taping Results (2/2) *Spoilers*

tna joker's wild 2Source: Josh Griffo and

1. The British Invasion defeated gunner and Chris Sabin. The fans showed a lot of respect for Doug Williams, as he's one of the most gifted wrestlers to come from our side of the pond. However, Magnus got some serious heat, which surprised me as this tour was his homecoming as champion. It didn't take long for the "paper champion" chants to start.

2. Samoa Joe and Bad Bones defeated Christopher Daniels and Robbie E. Who even is Bad Bones? Joe was a fan favourite, and the "Joe's gonna kill you" chants were just as loud as I had anticipated.

3. Rockstar Spud and Bully Ray defeated Mr. Anderson and Austin Aries. This match was poor. Spud got booed then cheered then booed then cheered! it was like 95 percent of British wrestling fans have bipolar disorder (and I'm from Cannock, 15 minutes away from Birmingham), yet it was still nice to see that Spud has "made it."

4. Kazarian and Ethan Carter III defeated Curry Man and Eric Young. This match was comical, and the only way I can describe it is that it was very confusing! Half the time I didn't know what was going on.

5. The Wolves Defeated Beer Money. WOW! What a match this was, right from the off the Beer Money chants started! Thankfully, they played to the crowed and both teams put on an amazing match! The Wolves were amazing and I can't wait to watch more of their matches. This match stole the show, but the crowed had no idea whether to cheer or boo the wolves so there was just an awkward silence. I don't know if this will be shown on the pay-per-view or it was simply for the crowd, but afterward both teams shook hands, then Bobby and James did one final Beer Money action in the middle of the ring.