Film About Hulk Hogan’s Biggest Fan Becoming One Of His Closest Friends

An independent film called Sadermania is currently doing a kickstarter campaign to raise money for distribution and pay off music fees.

The film stars Chris Sader and Hulk Hogan. Sader has been Hogan's biggest fan since the 80s, collecting every piece of Hogan memorabilia that was ever made according to Hogan himself. Sader also became a trained independent professional wrestler under the gimmick of the ultimate Hulkamaniac.

The movie documents Sader's intense following of Hogan's with many funny stories told by Sader, Hogan, Jimmy Hart and others. It also begins to show how and why the bond the two formed on a personal level. It also reveals how both men helped each other in some very personal situations.

The film is already complete. I was fortunate to get to see the film thanks to the filmmakers and draw my own opinion.

As a wrestling fan, I 100% endorse this film is something wrestling fans will enjoy and need to see. It's a story that nobody knows and is an amazing one at that. The goal is to raise $18,000 by this Saturday.

You can check out the trailer below. Click here to visit the kickstarter page.