WWE Smackdown Results (9/27): Ambrose vs Ziggler, Orton vs Miz in a No DQ Match, Heyman Signs Punk vs Ryback at Battleground

Match Number One: Alberto Del Rio versus R Truth in a Non Title Match

Del Rio with a kick and punch to Truth followed by kicks and head butts in the corner. The referee pulls Del Rio out of the corner and Truth with a punch and he puts Del Rio in the corner and he punches him until Del Rio gets into the ropes.

Del Rio with a savate kick and more head butts. Del Rio with an Irish whip but he misses a shoulder into the corner and Del Rio hits the ring post. Truth with a leg lariat followed by a clothesline or two.

Truth with a suplex into a stunner for a near fall. Truth misses the scissors kick and then he misses a splash into the corner. Del Rio with a super kick for the three count.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

After the match, Del Rio puts Truth in the cross arm breaker.

Rob Van Dam comes to the ring and he attacks Del Rio. Van Dam with a spinning leg drop. Ricardo gives Van Dam a chair and Van Dam hits Del Rio in the ribs with the chair. Van Dam with the skateboard drop kick to Del Rio.

Vickie and Triple H are watching in the back. Vickie suggests that they make the World Title Match at Battleground more interesting. Hunter says that they will call it a Hardcore Match. Vickie says that is what is best for business.

Prime Time Players walk in the back and they do the Millions of Dollars Dance. They say anyone can do it, but they have found the exception to the rule. They do a better job after some lessons. We go to commercial.

We are back and Zeb Colter wants everyone to rise and put their hands over their hearts so they can say ‘We The People’. Zeb says nobody can say it other than Real Americans. They are tired of being mocked and they tell everyone to mind their own business.

Match Number Two: Titus O’Neil and Darren Young versus Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

Swagger and Titus start things off and they lock up. Swagger with knees in the corner. Swagger with n Irish whip but Titus floats over and he connects with a shoulder tackle. Titus with a kick to Cesaro and then he sends Swagger sternum first into the turnbuckles. Titus with an elbow but Swagger with an elbow and he sends Titus shoulder first into the turnbuckles.

Cesaro tags in and he kicks Titus. Swagger tags back in and he sends Titus to the mat. Titus with punches to Swagger but Swagger stops Titus from getting ot his corner. Swagger with shoulders in the corner and Cesaro gets a shot in. Cesaro tags in and he kicks Titus and then he gives Titus a Giant Swing.

Cesaro wit a forearm while Titus struggles to stay on his feet and Cesaro with a near fall. Titus throws Cesaro to the side and he tries to get his bearing to make the tag and Young is tagged in. Young with a forearm to Swagger on the apron followed by a clothesline and an overhead belly-to-belly throw. Young with a splash into the corner followed by a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall.

Cesaro with a uranage for a near fall. Swagger sends Titus to the floor and Young with a rollup but the referee was with Swagger and Cesaro kicks out. Cesaro with a forearm but Young with Gutcheck, but he does not realize that Swagger has tagged in and Swagger applies the ankle lock. Darren taps out.

Winners: Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger

We see that the Wyatt Family has arrived.