Rob Van Dam Discusses Respect in WWE, Talks About Being At The Top Of WWE

Rob Van DamWWE Superstar Rob Van Dam sat down with The Boston Herald to hype the live event for tonight. Below are some comments from Van Dam, who will be in action this evening.

Getting more respect with age:

"I'm in a business where, until recently, the average standard for the wrestlers was probably in their young-40's. You didn't get respect until you were at that point where your body was starting to break down and, until that point, you were still kind of paying your dues. It's great for me to have so much experience yet my body is not breaking down.

On taking care of himself at his age:

I haven't aged. I've always taken care of myself and I'm a non-conformist, so I don't accept the negativety that comes with birthdays. I'm 42, but I feel way better than I did when I was 18.

For the rest of the interview, Click Here.

“I’m in a business where, until recently, the average standard for the wrestlers was probably in their young-40s,” said Van Dam. “You didn’t get respect until you were at that point where your body was starting to break down and, until that point, you were still kind of paying your dues. It’s great for me to have so much experience yet my body is not breaking down.” – See more at: