WWE Smackdown Results (8/23) – Axel Challenges Punk, Christian vs Alberto, Bryan vs Barrett Steel Cage Match

WWE SmackdownWWE Smackdown Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

August 23rd 2013

Vickie Guerrero starts the show off by welcoming new WWE Champion Randy Orton to the ring, then she goes for a hug but Orton only shakes her hand. She leaves Orton in the ring and he says he promises to give the fans what they want and deserve. Orton says he'll be a role model that they want to be, and he says he told the truth because that's what role models do. Orton says he told everyone, including Daniel Bryan, that he'd cash in his briefcase and no one would see it coming. He says he didn't know Triple H would do what he did on Sunday, and he's not one to pass on opportunity, but he didn't need help either.

Orton says he didn't need help from The Shield on Monday either, and he would like to ask the fans for their support right now. He says he's not only WWE Champion, but he's the face of WWE, then Daniel Bryan comes out and says he wants to finish his speech from Monday. Bryan says thank you to John Cena for the chance to wrestle him, and he calls Cena brave for wrestling injured, and it gave him a brief moment of being champion. Bryan says it's time for change, and he might not look like Orton, but he can see why HHH picked him and groomed him. Bryan says he's also arrogant and he's been handed everything, and Orton is so pretty he wants to kick him in the face. He says he had to scratch and claw for what he has, and for a little bit of respect.

Bryan says he's not big, but he can wrestle, and he can beat Orton for the WWE Championship, so he wants to talk about his rematch. Bryan says he wants it tonight, then he starts a YES chant, but Orton calls him short stuff and says he has to wait for Night of Champions. Orton holds his title over Bryan's head then goes for a RKO, but Bryan dropkicks him over the ropes and dares him to come back.