WWE Smackdown Results (7/26) – AJ Lee’s “State of Mind”, Christian’s Streak Continues, Cody Steals Sandow’s Briefcase

WWE SmackdownWWE Smackdown Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

July 26th 2013

Randy Orton vs Damien Sandow

Orton sends Sandow into the ropes and elbows him, then Sandow puts him in a side headlock and slams him in the corner. Sandow rams Orton with his shoulder but Orton comes back with some kicks and a clothesline, then he suplexes Sandow and gets a near fall. Orton stomps him a few times and goes for a kneedrop, but Sandow rolls away and chokes him with his boot before sending him into the ropes. Orton throws Sandow outside and slams him into the barricade, then he rolls him in and uppercuts him before setting up a hanging DDT on the apron. Sandow snaps his head on the ropes and gets a near fall, then he backs into the corner and knees Orton in the face as we cut to a commercial break.

We get back to see Orton connect with some corner punches, then he whips Sandow but it gets reversed and Sandow knees him and suplexes him onto the ropes. Sandow stomps him a few times and puts him in a bodyscissors, but Orton breaks it so Sandow hits him a few times and hits the Elbow of Disdain. He goes back to the bodyscissors but Orton turns and punches Sandow a few times, then they trade punches before Orton clotheslines him. Orton hits a scoop slam and an uppercut, then he sets up a hanging DDT but Sandow backdrops him out to the floor as Cody Rhodes makes his way out. Cody takes Sandow's briefcase and walks off with it, then Orton slides back in the ring and RKO's Sandow to pick up the win.

Winner – Randy Orton

CM Punk comes out and says people told him he fell into Paul Heyman's trap, but that's what he wanted them all to think because he really knows Heyman. He says Heyman taught him how to use people's weaknesses against them, and he's going to do that to Brock Lesnar at Summerslam. Punk says Brock's weakness is that he trusts Heyman, and Heyman's is his ego, but he's done beating himself up over what Heyman did to him. Punk says Heyman saw a kid who would be successful no matter what, and he wanted to take credit for Punk's success, and Heyman called him a prize horse. He says Heyman wanted two horses in the race, and he always wanted Brock and Punk together, but it would never work and he's going to take everything from Heyman at Summerslam. Fandango cuts him off and dances to the ring, then Punk hits him in the face and knees him a few times before dropping him with the GTS and leaving.