Possible Reason Why Ricardo Rodriguez Failed His WWE Wellness Test

Lee Sanders, host of the RCWR Show sent in the following news:

I'll be interviewing independent wrestler Leva Bates on my show tonight (called The RCWR Show at blogtalkradio.com/thercwrshow). We air Tuesday and Thursdays at 11:00pm EDT. I'll be asking her about the Tweet she deleted about Ricardo Rodriguez being suspended for using fat burners. As you know her and Ricardo are close friends. Our show has been on the air since 2012 and we've produced over 230 episodes that has a A list of talent that's stopped by our show. We are the 1st to be talking to her about this.

Link to the show at http://tobtr.com/s/4978473.

In addition to Bates Tweeting that fat burners were the possible reason why Ricardo Rodriguez failed his Wellness Test, indy wrestler JD Maverick posted the following on his Facebook page:

"So weird that some WWE Superstars get arrested for DUI's, pot, and other illegal activity AND don't get suspended…yet fat burners from GNC get you 30 days? GTFO."