*Spoilers:* Complete WWE Smackdown Results for Tonight

(3) Alberto del Rio & Chris Jericho def. Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston. Ziggler didn't work much of the match, probably just to be safe, and del Rio picked up the win over Langston with a roll-up. 

-Chris Jericho cuts a promo backstage about his match Sunday against CM Punk. Paul Heyman cuts him off, and gets slapped in the face for his trouble. 

-There was supposed to be a match between Kaitlyn and Aksana, but it doesn't get started as the Divas Champion goes insane and attacks her opponent, the referee and more. 

(4) Curtis Axel def. Wade Barrett. The Miz was on commentary, and hit Axel with the Skull Crushing Finale after the match. 

(5) Kane, Daniel Bryan & Randy Orton def. The Shield. Bryan won the match for his team, using the YES Lock on Seth Rollins, picking up the first ever pinfall victory over The Shield!