More Detailed Fan Report From WWE House Show In Glasgow, Scotland

The ShieldThanks to WZ reader Alistair for sending in the following report:

1) Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal, Alex Riley and Santino Marella Defeated Prime Time Players and Primo & Epico w/ Rosa Mendes via Pinfall

First off Drew was incredibly over, as was to be expected and so too was Santino. The match wasn't the greatest in the world, it was more of an opportunity to get a few pops from the crowd from Drew's home town ovation and Santino's comedy routine for the kids. I genuinely think this could be the first time Jinder and Drew have every competed as faces. Match ends with Santino giving Drew a Cobra and them both hitting the Cobra on Primo and Epico.

After the match, The Shield enter from the crowd, hit the ring to attack Drew, they hit him with the triple powerbomb and gain massive heat from the crowd. Ambrose then cuts a promo about the Shield being "judge, jury and the law". Usual from Rollins and then the usual "BELIEVE IN THE SHIELD!" from Reigns.

2) Fandango Defeated Ted DiBiase via Pinfall

Fandango comes out to a great reception, as expected the crowd are on their feet humming along to his theme. He then dances in the ring for a while, and grabs the mic off Lillian Garcia and tries to teach everyone how to pronounce his name then DiBiase's music hits. The match overall was pretty good, with DiBiase hitting a really nice clothesline. Fadango then wins with what appeared to be a leg hook reverse STO (kinda' similar to Ken Anderson's Mic Check).

3) Natalya Defeated Alicia Fox via Submission

Hornswoggle came out to be the "guest ring announcer" for this match. This match gave me reason to be baffled. Natalya was absolutely brilliant against Alicia Fox. She hit some really nice moves and carried the whole match. I expected this to be a bathroom break but it wasn't, Natalya is amazing. Definitely being under-utilised in her current state she should be if not challenging but holding the Diva's title. She wins with a proper Sharpshooter (take note Rock)

4) Mark Henry Defeated The Great Khali via Pinfall

An Incredibly slow and boring match. Most of the crowd were more interested in a fan dressed as Hulk Hogan and decided they'd rather take pictures with this man, than watch the actual match. Henry wins with a World's Strongest Slam. It looks far more impressive in person than it does on television.

5) Randy Orton Defeated The Big Show via Pinfall

In what was a much better match than I thought it would be. I expected Show to be all over Orton and for Orton to steal the win with "an RKO outa nowhere" but I was wrong. In my opinion Orton had the better of the offence. He hit a very impressive hanging DDT on Big Show from the top rope. Big Show would then miss a KO Punch only to be RKO'd by Orton for the win.

6) Wade Barrett Defeated Justin Gabriel via Pinfall

Barret came out to some average heel heat and then proceeded to cut a heel promo about how nobody in Scotland had ever seen a successful man. Justin Gabriel was someone I was happy to see as I've always been a fan. He hit some really nice moves against Barrett, but Barrett would use his strength to ground Gabriel and to slow him down. Barrett hit a great Winds Of Change towards the end, the he would dodge a 450 splash and hit the Bullhammer for the win.

7) Alberto Del Rio w/ Ricardo Rodriguez Defeated Jack Swagger via Submission in a No Disqualification Match

Earlier in the night there was a Twitter poll to determine if Zeb Coulter was allowed to remain in Jack Swagger's corner for the match. Swagger and Coulter came to ring with Swagger carrying a Tea Party flag. I'm not sure this got the desired effect as I don't think the majority of the people in the crowd understood the flag. Coulter and Swagger then cut their usual promo about people sneaking in and stealing jobs. Unbelievably people in the crowd started clapping what Coulter was saying (Only in Scotland, eh?).

Del Rio and Ricardo came out and seemed to be surprisingly over. Coulter ultimately lost the Twitter vote and was banished to the back. The match wasn't anything that we hadn't seen before. Mainly working on one another's respective "injuries" and teasings of Ankle Locks and Arm-Breakers. Del Rio would eventually make Swagger tap to an excellently executed cross arm breaker after taking a bit of a beating with a kendo stick.

8) The New Age Outlaws and Sheamus Defeated The Shield via Disqualification

This was the match that I was looking forward to all night. First out were the NAO who cut their old and famous "Ladies and gentlemen…" promo. No matter how many times I see it, it's always amazing. Sheamus then comes out to a great reception from the crowd. The Shield then make their way to ring via the crowd. What a fantastic match. The Shield showing excellent tag team work by using many double team moves, and it was good to see Billy Gunn and Road Dogg being able to keep up with younger guys. The Shield lived used their pack mentality and kept the Road Dogg in their corner and would continue to wear him down until he managed to get away and give Sheamus the hot tag. Sheamus would clear the ring of Ambrose and Reigns, and then tie Rollins in the ropes and club his chest. Reigns would then enter the ring and hit a beautiful spear on Sheamus. The Shield would put him in the corner and continue to beat on him until after the five count. This caused The Shield to be disqualified. The Shield going for the triple powerbomb are then attacked from behind by the NAOs. The faces would then go on to hit their finishers on them to send the crowd home happy.