Early WrestleMania Buy Rate News, Ryback’s Tweets Deleted

WrestleMania Buy Rate

There is some concern backstage regarding the buy rate for WrestleMania 29, reports F4WOnline.com, despite the fact the actual numbers won't come out for another few months. The internal projections leading into 'Mania were already lowered quite a bit in the final week due to the Elimination Chamber's numbers coming in lower than anticipated. One number being thrown around was said to be "downright shocking" according to a source.

RybackRyback's Tweets Deleted

Several readers are telling us that all of Ryback's tweets @Ryback22 are now deleted and the account simply reads "Ryback Hasn't Tweeted Yet". There are those questioning whether or not it has something to do with Ryback's controversial tweet about John Cena's ex-wife that was posted Tuesday. We'll keep you updated.