Complete 4/5 WWE Smackdown Results: WMania Go-Home Show, Swagger vs Kingston, Ryback, Mania Hype & More

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Mathews welcomed us to Smackdown and the last stop on the road to WrestleMania. Ryback's music hit and he headed towards the ring. The King joined Mathews on commentary and said he was looking forward to seeing Ryback in action. They both recapped the weight lifting contest from last week and both men said Henry is not a particularly nice person. Primo and Epico made their way to the ring with Rosa Mendes. Cole and JBL split screened from WWE Axxess and showed off some exhibits.

1. Ryback vs. Primo and Epico: Primo leaped at Ryback and got hit with a huge powerslam early on. Ryback then pulled Epico into the ring and threw him around, and the ref didn't argue and just called it a tag. Epico tripped Ryback on to the ropes on his throat, and then made a tag to Primo. They continued to make quick tags for a moment, trading off hitting stomps and grounding Ryback with head locks.

Ryback fired up out of a head lock and clotheslined Epico. Primo tagged in and took a back body drop and a clothesline. Shortly after, Ryback hit a spear on both men, and then hit Shellshocked on both men for the pinfall victory.

Ryback defeated Primo and Epico at 3:13.

The announce team put over Ryback vs. Henry for WrestleMania on Sunday. They then introduced a clip of Alberto Del Rio getting beaten with crutches by Swagger and Colter. They said we would hear from Del Rio later in the show. Mathews then said they would go live to Axxess when they got back.